
The Graduate School provides an international top-level Doctoral Program for maximal 10 Ph.D. students.

The Graduate School provides full financial support on a 12-month basis for three years. Doctoral students admitted to the doctoral program will have a regular employment at Vienna University of Technology. The employment should start as soon as possible (after arrangement). The employment includes a gross salary of about 1700 Euro (14 times per year). The graduate program will provide support for research travel expenses and exchange programs with collaborating international research groups.

Applications for acceptance to the program should include the following documents:

All application documents shall be sent in either German or English. Foreign documents must be sent as certified translations into English.

The most important selection criteria are the expected scientific quality, the specific knowledge, and the motivation of the candidate in one of the research areas of the doctoral program: nonlinear control systems, classical semiconductors, quantum semiconductors, micromagnetism. Oral and written presentation abilities as well as teamwork abilities are required. The application procedure may include an interview, which is decided by the faculty members on a case-by-case basis. The general assembly (all faculty members) decides about the acceptance of the candidates and their assignment to a research area.

The Doctoral College aims to promote excellent female students. At least 50 percent of all admitted students have to be female. Therefore, female graduates are particularly encouraged to apply for the doctoral program. We offer an intensive support in a stimulating research environment.

Please, contact us by e-mail for further informations, either directly to a member of the faculty (see right column) or to


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