Doctoral Program

The Ph.D. students participate at an interdisciplinary doctoral program. The program consists of courses with a total of 36 ECTS credits (ECTS = European Credit Tranfer System; one ECTS credit corresponds to a work load of 30 hours). The students participate at the weakly Research Seminar of the Doctoral College (3 ECTS credits per semester, 18 ECTS credits in total). They present their scientific progress in the Research Seminar once per semester. Moreover, they enroll in lecture courses from Mathematics and Electro-engineering/Physics with a total of 18 ECTS credits. These courses may be taken from the following list (additional courses may be taken in agreement with the advisor).


Courses on mathematics:

Courses on electro-engineering and physics:

The actual courses can be found in the information system TUWIS. All courses are given in English language on request.

Projected Enrollment

A projected enrollment could be as follows:

Semester Course ECTS points
1Research Seminar3
2Research Seminar3
3Research Seminar3
4Research Seminar3
5Research Seminar3
6Research Seminar3

Requirements for Ph.D. Graduation

The requirements for graduation are as follows:

Generally, partial results of the Ph.D. thesis will be published during the Ph.D. program in international, peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The scientific work of the students is guided by their advisors. Besides, the students present their scientific progress once per semester during the research seminar to the faculty.